
A flexible approach for a changing landscape

Dr Patric Maerki
Senior Vice President & General Manager, EMEA

Vol 2, July 2024

Bytesize EMEA

AI, data protection, cyber resilience—all the buzzwords flying around that are putting increasing pressure on you and your IT environment. And as requirements and pressures continue to evolve, you might be wondering how much you should still be doing in house, or how much you can outsource, securely.

It’s a delicate balance. We’ve seen developments in hybrid cloud because of this, as enterprises swiftly reduced their public cloud dependency upon the sobering realization that it brings data security issues, and exploding costs. With hybrid cloud comes an environment tailored to your specific requirements. But the benefits of public cloud still apply; flexible consumption and as-a-service commercial models give you the platform you need to keep up with that afore-mentioned evolving landscape—but with the ability to manage security and cost concerns. As-a-service models are key to being future-ready and able to cope with growing volumes of data and storage requirements.

CBTS is a great example of adapting to meet this need for scalability. By moving to ExerFlex by Hitachi Vantara, CBTS can provide infrastructure to its customers in a variety of forms, meeting customer demand for agile, cloud-based services and all with the ability to quickly scale up and down as customer needs shift, and only ever paying for what they use.

With sustainability a big focus, as we move forward you might instead ask how you can share services across your business, or where you can boost flexibility and scalability to drive efficiencies? It’s not a case of all or nothing anymore. The capabilities are all there for the taking, so you can select just the right balance that works for your business.

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