
AI, cloud, insights… success can only happen with the right data foundation

Adrian Johnson
Vice President and General Manager for Hitachi Vantara APAC

Vol 2, July 2024

The reality facing businesses today is not just growing data volumes, but how to manage that data in an increasingly challenging environment of regulatory, governance, security, and sustainability pressures. And when you add the need to maximize on all the innovative tech at your fingertips—like AI, the promise of deeper insights and new cloud-based solutions—what you really need is a way to melt away data siloes, gain clarity, and achieve a complete view of data. It’s about having the right data foundation in place, and it’s crucial to enabling new innovations to deliver on their promises.

The answer is modernization…right?

Many of you have already traveled far along the path of digital modernization. With persuasive factors such as improved business intelligence, sustainability, security and compliance, and operational efficiency at the heart of such projects.

And hybrid cloud—the clear answer to many of today’s IT challenges— is central to many modernization projects. Putting data in the right cloud at the right cost in the right locations. But without the right data foundation, hybrid cloud can also inadvertently bring more complexity and siloed data environments.

So, here’s the opportunity: how can you simplify complex environments across multiple locations, without impacting on speed or ease of operations or security of data?

Simplify = success

Let’s go back to the start. Integration is the not-so-secret secret. With a simplified infrastructure, and everything visible and manageable through a single pane, you can get the data insights you need to automate. You get the ease of management you need to do business smoothly. A more robust foundation to ensure the resiliency of your data. And you can get the data organized and secured to meet compliance and regulatory needs.

We’ve been working hard to deliver a solution that does this for our customers. And in Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) One, we’ve achieved it.  With a single dashboard delivering visibility and management across the entire infrastructure stack: compute, storage, networking, edge, and cloud.

Ian Clatworthy, Global Director, Data Platform Product Marketing, Hitachi Vantara, said: “The challenge I’m seeing with customers across the globe is really about simplicity and security. (They’re asking) how can I make it easy to consume infrastructure? I don’t want to be a storage specialist; I’ve got other challenges.”

“We’ve taken an approach aligned with simplicity. We’ve put layers in because one approach isn’t right for every type of commercial business. But, at every layer the experience should look and feel the same. For example, embedded management is the same at every layer.”

“So, we’re going to simplify block, object and file and give you one platform that has embedded management, cloud-based observability. Bringing it all together and simplifying data management and delivering a common experience that feels the same whether you’re a big, small or medium customer.”

Total control, solid solution

With VSP One in place as your data foundation, you get that control. You can maximize on advances like AI. Handle massive datasets. Get a scalable architecture ready for tomorrow. One data pane and intelligent workload management. 

By minimizing energy consumption and maximizing storage utilization, it’s a solution that supports your sustainability work too, with streamlined processes taking pressure off data centers. You can eliminate entire stacks as processes run more smoothly and efficiently and data is more structured. And as with any Hitachi Vantara product, resilience is central to everything.

As quoted by the gaming firm 888 Holding: “We have 40,000 concurrent players, there can be no slowdowns.”

Put simply, VSP One focuses on what matters: reliability, simplicity, sustainability, security, and cloud connectivity.

To understand more about the simplicity available with VSP One, watch this insightful webinar with expert speakers from Hitachi Vantara and Cisco—along  with our customer Sinch India, for who clarity and control of data is crucial for their work delivering personalized customer experiences. And learn how VSP One’s block file and object storage make it possible to handle massive datasets and enable lightning-fast queries. Removing data complexity and delivering total visibility for hybrid without the headache.

If you can’t watch the webinar right now you can also read more about Hitachi VSP One here, where you can also find answers on what makes us a more sustainable solution.

Keep on reading for more insights and inspiration. And make sure to subscribe to Bytesize to get all this direct to your inbox.

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