
Trust: why it matters on your innovation journey

Vol 2, July 2024

You’ve got your hands full.

The growth of data is something you’ve had to deal with for some time, but the likes of Generative AI mean that data is really, really starting to grow at a rate that’s barely comprehensible. In fact, IDC says that by 2025 worldwide data will grow 61% to 175 zettabytes1. That’s just one year away!

And it’s not just the volume of data that’s significant; beyond the bits and the bytes, it’s the value in the data—the critical insights you need to drive better outcomes.

High stakes

With so much data of so much value, the stakes are high. Regulations are increasing around where data should be stored, for how long, and then there’s data that needs to be deleted after a certain timeframe.  

And you’re juggling all this while the rise of AI, machine learning and Edge computing are increasing cloud complexity, adding to data volumes, and exposing business to more security risks and data vulnerability. But, with challenge does come opportunity—nothing happens when we sit still. Overcoming the inertia that comes with second guessing every next step is simple when you can trust the next step is a safe one.

Get your data act together

You must be able to trust your data sources, and your data outcomes. Your first challenge came in the form of regulations, data privacy, compliance and GDPR. Now, the challenge is driven by AI. You need to know your data lineage and have a trusted data infrastructure to support such complex processes.

With a simple methodology you can cover all bases and make sure you have the visibility and control you need. The critical areas to gain insight are state, placement and availability (SPA); so start here to track progress and highlight areas to focus on:

  • S—state: What state is my data in? Is it current? Transactionable? Active? Changing?
  • P—placement: Where is my data? Where did it come from (Edge, core, cloud? One, or multiple sources?)? What is the lifecycle of the data?
  • A—availability: Who has access to the data? What is available, and from where? Is it secure? Accessible to many or few? Is data resiliency built in—do you have replication to avoid downtime?

From trust comes triumph

We work with organizations to provide the insights, analytics, and data resiliency—and so the trust—needed to progress with confidence. As part of a wider report last year, our VP of Products and Solutions Marketing, Gary Lyng, said: “As the data moves across different platforms, our customers rely on us to make sure they have visibility and availability and protection. We’re ensuring that even as data infrastructure flexes to meet their needs, we still have the customer’s back.”2

Here are some examples of this in action.

We worked with the Isle of Wight NHS Trust to leverage AI, analytics and automation to support cost-effective, 24-7 high-performance / high-availability digital pathology. Paving the way for a future of data-driven healthcare innovations.

In banking we built an extremely resilient virtualized data center with an architecture that sets a new industry benchmark for Banco de Brasília. Accelerating system startup and activating 1,500 servers in just four minutes. Reducing bandwidth for replicating data storage from 65% to 5%. And improving server response times for storage dependent processing by 90% for superior employee and user experience.

And in manufacturing we’re helping BMW Group meet sustainability goals with a powerful, flexible, cost-efficient data platform. With a managed, all-flash storage solution to meet the constantly growing data volumes while reducing cost and without compromising performance. Reducing footprint by 70% and associated energy consumption by 80% to help achieve corporate environmental objectives. And ensuring continuity with fully automated failover and zero downtime.

Lyng continued: “Trust is the rock-solid cornerstone of this company. People trust in us. Organizations trust their business to us. They trust their applications, their data and their infrastructure to us. The reality is, because people want immediate gratification of data, they want flexibility. Business leaders need things like data smarts and intelligence. And we do that, but it’s founded on solid infrastructure that doesn’t let them down.”2

If you want to make waves, with Hitachi Vantara you can do it with confidence.


1 IDC Data Age 2025 white paper

2 ‘Modern Infrastructure Data Dynamics’ – report by Hitachi Vantara:

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