
AI et al got things a little excitable: here’s how we’re bringing it back under control

Richard Van Sprang Richard Van Sprang
GM and VP of Americas Sales

Vol 2, July 2024

Bytesize AMER

At Hitachi Vantara we are directing our investments to solve your challenges now more than ever. With research and development, manufacturing, sales, and customer experience taking place across all the countries we are active in, we can build on global requirements more easily. And with closer ties to you, our customers, we can shape our roadmap to better meet your needs.

Keeping you secured

The message that’s still sounding loud and clear is that your data and its protection are a top priority. The cloud and AI solutions you’re deploying all rely on having access to the right data—in fact it’s their lifeblood. Essential for creating the new AI models, more intelligent workflows and automated processes that enable better business outcomes. 

But, as business gets more intelligent, new solutions are added and management stacks start to sprawl, your data environment is also becoming very hard to manage.

Bringing it all back together

We’ve been helping customers integrate their systems, with everything visible and manageable through a single interface. From enterprise stacks to the public cloud, we’re joining it all together.

With Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) One, customers can already access block, file or object data through one management interface. Giving customers the flexibility, scalability, speed, resilience, and sustainability that is critical for growth and success today.

Put a stop to cloud inertia. Give clear visibility of sustainability data—critical now more than ever with growing regulatory requirements—and enable a safer and smoother way to run business, enable rapid growth, and keep moving into an exciting yet unpredictable future.

You can learn more on this topic in this great ‘On the Grill’ episode looking at hybrid cloud storage, with our very own Ian Clatworthy, Director of Data Platform Product Marketing and Scott Sinclair, Practice Director for Infrastructure & Modernization at ESG. Besides making you really (really) hungry, you’ll come away with:

  • Why a data platform is so important in the face of AI
  • How VSP One is helping business tame hybrid cloud complexity
  • Actionable insights on how to unlock the benefits of a data platform foundation

You can watch it here, enjoy!

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