Hitachi NASPO Offering for the State of Tennessee

Participating Addendum Information

State of Tennessee

This Participating Addendum may be used by all state agencies, institutions of higher education, cities, counties, districts, and other political subdivisions of the state, and nonprofit organizations within the state if authorized herein and by law. Participating Entity has sole authority to determine which entities are eligible to use this Participating Addendum.

All Purchase Orders issued by Purchasing Entities within the jurisdiction of this Contract must include Master Price Agreement Number 23009, and the PA Contract No. 81356. 

Hitachi Sales Contact Information

Please contact your salesperson for invoicing, billing, order tracking and delivery questions.

Michael Creekmore
M: 423-314-6329

* Some links may lead to general product and/or service informational pages and may not reflect the Hitachi products or prices entitled to you under the Hitachi-NASPO contract.