Pentaho Data Storage Optimizer


Pentaho Data Storage Optimizer

Developed by Pentaho

Optimize Your Data Cost


Offering type




Optimize Your Data Cost

Pentaho Data Storage Optimizer is an intelligent data storage tiering solution that reduces operating costs and gives you seamless access to data. Gain more cost control of IT charge backs, performance, and risk of your data across all work processes. Easily identify duplicate data and archive cold or infrequently accessed data using a one-stop-shop for automated migration, tiering purging, and identification of unstructured data. Create Business rules and policies to identify and automatically move data to the correct location according to cost, risk and sustainability criteria.
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Profile Data for Optimization

• Assess the existing landscape via data discovery. • Evaluate usage and map to cost, data and benefit. • Deploy policies to archive and purge data.

Tier and Move Data

• Define policies for local and temporary data. • Scan and tag data on tiering and movement. • Execute and report on tiering and movement.

Mitigate Data Risk

• Define data asset risk profiles (e.g., sensitivity) • Apply policies to mitigate risks (e.g., access control) • Understand risk using a visual dashboard.

Improve Environmental Impacts

• Define ESG reporting glossary and master records. • Assess data stores for carbon emissions and water use. • Establish targets based on data storage and usage.
Available options

Pentaho Data Storage Optimizer Demo

  • 1 User
  • Support not included
  • Not for production use
  • Read only access

Request for Purchase

  • 1 User
  • Enterprise Grade
  • Fully Supported