A Gijima revela o poder da parceria com a Hitachi e o que ela traz para a mesa: conhecimento especializado de classe mundial e um compromisso garantido com a sustentabilidade.

Parceiros da Hitachi Vantara

O poder das parcerias

O nosso ecossistema confiável alimenta a inovação, impulsiona a sustentabilidade e promove a transformação dos negócios para parceiros e clientes.

Your partner on the pathway to growth

Our partner program empowers you to optimize your business. With the flexibility to choose among our four partner business models and three core competencies, you can effectively leverage the power of partnership to accelerate your growth and success.

Our commitment to driving mutual success

We prioritize the quality of our partnerships, not the quantity. Anchored by three core values, our partnership program ensures you are positioned to successfully help your customers meet demand and advance their business transformation goals.

Your trust is something we don’t take for granted. We’re dedicated to building our relationship, bolstering your unique value, and achieving outstanding results.

November 19, 2024

Hitachi Vantara Announces Hitachi iQ for Trusted Data Infrastructure Solutions for Modern AI Systems with NVIDIA HGX™ Platform

Our program is centered around driving profitability for business and meeting your ROI objectives. We’re focused on helping you gain market share and providing support for your customers’ transformation journeys.

Secure your pathway to greater profitability by improving compliance, capitalizing on incentives, and leveraging our Partner Marketing Hub.

Expedite your competitive edge by teaming up with a partner that provides green solutions that fuel progress across all endeavors, from financial to social responsibility.

April 21, 2024

Como líder global em infraestrutura de dados com eficiência energética, a sustentabilidade é fundamental para nossos negócios. Leia mais sobre a perspectiva da CEO Sheila Rohra.


Of the Fortune 500 choose Hitachi Vantara to keep their businesses running

Why should you partner with Hitachi Vantara?

With the Hitachi Vantara Partner Program, you’ll have everything you need to empower your business, expand opportunities, and drive profitability and growth.

Explore our Partner Ecosystem

AWS Cisco

Unleash the power of data.

One Hybrid Cloud Data Platform that powers infrastructure, data and apps without constraints.

“Our customers’ data is in the best hands if it is stored on Hitachi storage.”

Jiri Drazil, Sales Director at 3S.cz, s.r.o.

Partner Model

Choose the business model that meets your needs as a partner

Key Benefits

Deal registration discounts and Market Development Funds (MDF), rebates and incentives.

Tools and Resources

Demo Program, online training, and competency learning paths.

Partner Ecosystem

Primary partner types include resellers, distributors, solution providers and more.

"Nossas atualizações mais recentes incluem a plataforma de armazenamento e suporte Hitachi VSP com a computação UCS X-Series recentemente introduzida pela Cisco com integração ao Cisco Intersight."
Nick Holden, Vice-presidente, Parceiros Globais e Estratégicos e Venda Conjunta
"Ao combinar as tecnologias Hitachi Vantara e VMware, podemos enfrentar os principais desafios que os clientes enfrentam com os ambientes tradicionais de nuvem híbrida."
John Gilmartin, Vice-Presidente Sênior e Gerente Geral de Armazenamento em Nuvem e Dados da VMware
"A Hitachi Vantara e a Commvault fornecem uma única plataforma de dados integrada que permite aos clientes proteger, proteger, gerenciar e usar seus dados com mais eficiência."
Ranga Rajagopalan Vice-Presidente de Gerenciamento de Projetos, Commvault

Um histórico comprovado de sucesso como parceiro

Businessman checking stock market data

Aumentando o desempenho dos aplicativos com a Infosys

Software engineer repairing the robotic arm in a factory.

Impulsionando a continuidade dos negócios com a K-Businesscom

Aumento da eficiência do armazenamento com a Kapsch