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Mainframe Storage May Not Make Headlines, But it Should

Melissa Zelyez Melissa Zelyez
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Mainframe

August 08, 2022

Many years ago, I worked on a marketing campaign (at another company) that led to a collateral document that had the headline, “The Mainframe is Dead.” The idea was to promote our product, while simultaneously positioning the competitor as dated with old, stuffy hardware.

But, now years later, nothing could be further from the truth. Mainframes literally run the world. In fact, mainframes handle the most demanding workloads in the most demanding companies, including the world’s largest airlines, banks, insurance companies, and retailers!

And the impacts of COVID-19 have only accelerated the need for reliable, secure platforms, particularly in the realms of finance and banking. For all companies, being able to move data around, and transact is critical. Just one second of downtime can cost millions. Today, it is estimated that mainframes handle 90% of all credit card transactions and over half of all production IT workloads.

For more than 40 years, Hitachi has invested in the mainframe storage platform. Our architecture delivers comprehensive data protection and business continuity with the industry’s first 100% data availability guarantee. Hitachi is known for its well-built and resilient products. Our extensive testing and product development process guarantees that if you buy from us, your storage platform will work and stand the test of time.

All this is to say, that today, all these decades later, storage and mainframes no longer grab the headlines, and for good reason. Because it’s about the data. That’s what’s important: the ability to generate, process, store, analyze, distribute and leverage increasingly large volumes of data – securely, accurately, simply, and quickly. That’s the story. And we’re helping customers write it every single day, for greater reliability, resiliency, and performance.

Come See Us

We will have our top mainframe experts available and will share the latest developments at the event, SHARE, August 21-26opens in a new tab, in Columbus, Ohio. Visit our booth and talk to our experts to find out how our solutions can help your business safely manage and move around your critical mainframe workloads. This year we are joining forces with Brocade and will be discussing:

  • how to prepare for the coming tsunami of storage
  • why networking is so critical to storage
  • what you should do now vs later

And join me live on Thursday, August 25, at 8:00AM, where I’ll go deeper on Hitachi storage during my session: A look at the latest Hitachi VSP5000 Software and Storage Solution.”

To find out more, visit our website at: Infrastructure for Mainframe Workloads | Hitachi Vantara.

Ros Schulman is Global Solution Lead, DP/Backup and Mainframe, Hitachi Vantara.