

As organizations grapple with data growth, they must figure out how to manage the expanding scope and diversification of data in a manner that allows for valuable and timely analytics and subsequently for long-term retention as needed.  By choosing wisely when it comes to enabling sync-n-share, IT can both protect its role and dramatically expand the services IT can offer to its users while gaining efficiencies across a number of different systems. The market for sync-n-share solutions is quickly expanding as organizations seek to control data access while at the same time maximize the value derived from data.

As data needs grow, organizations will increasingly look to the cloud for cost-effective ways to store, manage, and leverage the data they need to run their businesses. The solutions they choose will need to incorporate both object-based storage and strong metadata capabilities that support multitenancy and the ability to find and access data that users need regardless of where that data resides. Ultimately, customers also want the ability to choose the cloud delivery model or models that best suit their access, security, scalability, and compliance needs.