Hitachi - Inspire the Next Hitachi Data Systems

Come and learn more about Hitachi Data Systems, our offerings and solutions, and the support and benefits we offer all members of our partner programme.

With presentations from industry analyst IDC and Hitachi Data Systems specialists, this event is a fantastic opportunity for you to gain a better understanding of our offerings and solutions, our key relationships with other technology providers, and the benefits and support offered by our channel partner programme. Visit our sponsors at our vendor village; and get a free marketing consulation for your business! Our aim is to provide you with the tools and knowledge required for you to successfully take the unique Hitachi offering to your customers and make 2009 the year to prevail!

sefton Park

Thursday 9th July

Hitachi Data Systems
Executive Briefing Center
Sefton Park
Stoke Poges
Near Slough

Enjoy a selection of informative briefings and a lavish barbeque and the chance to talk to members of our Hitachi Channel, Sales, Training and Marketing Teams, as well as our sponsors during indoor and outdoor activities, all in the beautiful setting of the Hitachi Data Systems Executive Briefing Center.