With data complexity comes risk. Protect against those threats with a simplified data protection solution.
Our operational-recovery and disaster-recovery solutions ensure that if a data-threatening event occurs, your business will be up and running right away. As if nothing ever happened.
Through our integrated solution we help make better use of backup data to support data audits, discovery, analytics, and other business processes.
With our advanced technologies built into block and object storage systems we can prevent backup data from being modified or deleted. When an attack happens simply recover your data and don't pay the ransom.
Learn how to maintain control over your data with a safe, affordable, fast, easy and reliable solution that keeps your data continuously available and compliant.
Review the steps to keep your data continuously available and compliant with a SAFER backup and recover solution.
DOWNLOAD THE E-BOOKRead the overview to learn how Hitachi’s modern data protection solution transforms critical application availability and resiliency as it supports operational recovery, disaster recovery and business continuity.
READ THE OVERVIEWPreviously, many IT professionals viewed the public cloud as way to quickly build an agile IT environment and rein in IT costs. However, public cloud object storage may not be a cost-effective or long-term solution for many applications.
In this report, ESG explores the total cost of purchasing and owning Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) versus the costs associated with renting object storage from a leading public cloud vendor over time.