The trends and tech delivering powerful outcomes across industries
The Promises and Pitfalls of Green Investing
The Promises and Pitfalls of Green Investing
Although investments in this space have their challenges, it’s clear the future of ESG investing is fertile and has the potential to benefit both people and the planet.
Banking on Data Storage for Operational Resilience in Finance
The growing complexities of financial services IT systems during this time of rapid change is creating a perfect storm of risk – shining a spotlight on the need for operational resilience like never before.
How to Decarbonize Electricity: A Digital Approach
As we learned at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, COP26, there is almost universal agreement on the need to collaborate to reduce the amount of toxins and greenhouse gasses our machines spew into the atmosphere.
Auto and Grid Clouds Collide to Speed Electrified Transportation
EVs consume energy and generate vast amounts of data. See how Hitachi Vantara is partnering with the City of London on data and IoT solutions to better understand usage.
Mapping Your Automation Journey in Financial Services
Automation can solve top level business challenges in financial services when applied businesswide. Find out how to map your automation journey with these four pillars.
Banking on Data Storage for Operational Resilience in Finance
EVs consume energy and generate vast amounts of data. See how Hitachi Vantara is partnering with the City of London on data and IoT solutions to better understand usage.
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"Email": "Correo electrónico comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nombre de la empresa",
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"State": "Estado",
"Country": "País",
"Phone": "Teléfono",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Información adicional (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
"GlobalOption": "Si selecciona “Sí” a continuación, acepta recibir comunicaciones comerciales por correo electrónico en relación con los productos y servicios de Hitachi Vantara.",
"GlobalOptionYes": "Sí",
"GlobalOptionNo": "No",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"EmailError": "Must be valid email.",
"RequiredFieldError": "This field is required."
{ "FirstName" : "Escriba el nombre.", "LastName" : "Escriba el apellido.", "Title" : "Escriba el cargo.", "Company" : "Escriba el nombre de la empresa.", "City" : "Escriba el Ciudad", "State" : "Escriba el Estado", "Country" : "Escriba el País", "Phone" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "phoneforForm" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "Email" : "Escriba una dirección de correo electrónico comercial válida." }
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