Enterprise-proven converged cloud infrastructure to power all your bare-metal, virtualized and container applications
Continuous data availability with
VSP 5000
The VSP 5000 series, delivers an industry leading 100% data availability based on our engineering experience.
Trusted by thousands of customers worldwide
Powering digital transformation for industry leaders over decades to increase revenues and reduce operational costs
Designed to power innovation and enhance certainty
Scalable Infrastructure to Support Growing Businesses
Power business applications of today and tomorrow without compromising on performance
Design IT that Works for You
Flexibility to combine best of breed compute, network, and storage that delivers the best service levels including performance, availability, and cost
Low Latency Cloud Infrastructure
Proven platform for critical business apps with low-latency and high availability requirements
Simplify Cloud Infrastructure Management
Automate day 0-2 management with orchestration workflows. Stay up to date with non-disruptive software and hardware upgrades across the hybrid cloud stack.
Integrated Data Protection
Ensure continuous availability of applications and data with near-zero RPO and RTO solutions
What is an Integrated Infrastructure Solution?
Online demo to learn more about Hitachi’s Integrated infrastructure solution
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"FirstName": "Nombre",
"LastName": "Apellido",
"Email": "Correo electrónico comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nombre de la empresa",
"Address": "Address",
"City": "City",
"State": "Estado",
"Country": "País",
"Phone": "Teléfono",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Información adicional (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
"GlobalOption": "Si selecciona “Sí” a continuación, acepta recibir comunicaciones comerciales por correo electrónico en relación con los productos y servicios de Hitachi Vantara.",
"GlobalOptionYes": "Sí",
"GlobalOptionNo": "No",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"EmailError": "Must be valid email.",
"RequiredFieldError": "This field is required."
{ "FirstName" : "Escriba el nombre.", "LastName" : "Escriba el apellido.", "Title" : "Escriba el cargo.", "Company" : "Escriba el nombre de la empresa.", "City" : "Escriba el Ciudad", "State" : "Escriba el Estado", "Country" : "Escriba el País", "Phone" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "phoneforForm" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "Email" : "Escriba una dirección de correo electrónico comercial válida." }
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