Accelerate business applications with enterprise strength and high availability. Increase business agility and streamline day-to-day operations with all-flash storage.
Funcionalidades de la cartera de almacenamiento en bloque primario
VSP 5000 Series
Enterprise NVMe scale out data platform to reliably deliver more data faster with 100% data availability guarantee to ensure your operations are always up and running.
Extend your data center infrastructure and operations to the hybrid cloud with the enterprise-class Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform and any Equinix location.
Take advantage of our 100% data availability guarantee for the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform family to support the 24/7 operations of your digital business.
Since 2014 Hitachi has been working to reduce the annual carbon footprint of VSP. Today’s arrays have a CO2 reduction the equivalent of driving from New York to San Francisco… 3 times… a year!!
Ahorro del costo total de propiedad (TCO, Total Cost of Ownership) en los próximos 10 años
Hitachi Modern Storage Assurance delivers 40% total cost of ownership saving over the next 10 years, with full data-in-place non disruptive migrations to next generation solutions. With no upfront commitments!
¡Su VSP puede estar en funcionamiento en 30 minutos o menos!
There is no need for complicated and expensive services to get your infrastructure setup, our simple embedded GUI will guide your through the process.
Key Reasons to Select All-Flash Storage Solutions
Use this All-Flash Buyer’s Guide to make informed decisions when selecting an all-flash partner for your storage infrastructure.
“With Hitachi Flash Storage we can manage growth while achieving better performance, lower latency, higher availability and reliability across our data centers.”
IDC: Accelerating Your Innovation with Smarter Ways to Buy Your Storage
IDC: A Chain is Only as Strong as its Weakest Link
IDC: Why Midrange Storage Growth is Soaring
The Hitachi Vantara VSP 5000 series storage is a next generation infrastructure offering designed to provide a modern foundation for digital transformation and data center modernization.
Welcome to the Hitachi Rack Configurator, a virtual space for you to build your perfect storage solution. To get started with your virtual rack, browse products by selecting a category (e.g. ALL FLASH). Then to add / remove products, use the controls alongside each product. Click 'View' when you're ready to preview your solution.
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"LastName": "Apellido",
"Email": "Correo electrónico comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nombre de la empresa",
"Address": "Address",
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"State": "Estado",
"Country": "País",
"Phone": "Teléfono",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Información adicional (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
"GlobalOption": "Si selecciona “Sí” a continuación, acepta recibir comunicaciones comerciales por correo electrónico en relación con los productos y servicios de Hitachi Vantara.",
"GlobalOptionYes": "Sí",
"GlobalOptionNo": "No",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"EmailError": "Must be valid email.",
"RequiredFieldError": "This field is required."
{ "FirstName" : "Escriba el nombre.", "LastName" : "Escriba el apellido.", "Title" : "Escriba el cargo.", "Company" : "Escriba el nombre de la empresa.", "City" : "Escriba el Ciudad", "State" : "Escriba el Estado", "Country" : "Escriba el País", "Phone" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "phoneforForm" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "Email" : "Escriba una dirección de correo electrónico comercial válida." }
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