Ingest, blend, cleanse and prepare ERP, MES, weather, and business application data. Orchestrate data flows anywhere. Pentaho technology delivers the solution.
It is the process of combining data from different applications, in different data formats, from multiple locations, to enable users and systems to more easily identify correlations and gain a fuller view of business or operational performance.
Allows enterprises to combine data from different applications, in different formats, from different locations to enable analysts and data scientists to more easily identify correlations and insights to gain a better view of operational performance.
Is software that is primarily used and governed by IT professionals. It allows data from different applications, in different formats, and multiple locations to be collected, sorted, and transformed so that it can be applied to various outcomes.
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a way of representing how data flows through a process or system. It includes data inputs and outputs, data stores, and the various subprocesses the data moves through.
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"LastName": "Apellido",
"Email": "Correo electrónico comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nombre de la empresa",
"Address": "Address",
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"State": "Estado",
"Country": "País",
"Phone": "Teléfono",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Información adicional (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
"GlobalOption": "Si selecciona “Sí” a continuación, acepta recibir comunicaciones comerciales por correo electrónico en relación con los productos y servicios de Hitachi Vantara.",
"GlobalOptionYes": "Sí",
"GlobalOptionNo": "No",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"EmailError": "Must be valid email.",
"RequiredFieldError": "This field is required."
{ "FirstName" : "Escriba el nombre.", "LastName" : "Escriba el apellido.", "Title" : "Escriba el cargo.", "Company" : "Escriba el nombre de la empresa.", "City" : "Escriba el Ciudad", "State" : "Escriba el Estado", "Country" : "Escriba el País", "Phone" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "phoneforForm" : "Escriba el Teléfono", "Email" : "Escriba una dirección de correo electrónico comercial válida." }
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