Gather data from all your internet of things (IoT) smart devices and analyze them with a more intelligent system.
Unlock All Your Data
Fast-track the ability to make use of all your organization’s complex business, human and machine data.
Reduce Complexities
Take a simplified approach to onboarding data at scale. Automate hundreds of data ingestion processes to reduce development time and mitigate risk.
Maximize Intelligence
Turn all of your data into valuable insights. We provide powerful analytic capabilities that can deliver traditional reporting and even power machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
Watch the Webinar “From BI to AI.”
Watch the Webinar “From BI to AI.”
Learn how business intelligence is evolving from traditional look-back analysis to forward-thinking prediction and prescription.
"FirstName": "Nome",
"LastName": "Sobrenome",
"Email": "E-mail comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nome da empresa",
"Address": "Address",
"City": "City",
"Phone": "Business Telephone",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Informações adicionais (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
"GlobalOption": "Se você selecionar 'Sim' abaixo, estará concordando em receber comunicações comerciais por email relacionadas aos produtos e serviços da Hitachi Vantara.",
"GlobalOptionYes": "Sim",
"GlobalOptionNo": "Não",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"EmailError": "Must be valid email.",
"RequiredFieldError": "This field is required."
{ "FirstName" : "Insira o nome", "LastName" : "Insira o sobrenome", "Title" : "Insira um cargo", "Company" : "Insira o nome da empresa", "City" : "Digite a cidade", "State" : "Digite o estado", "Country" : "Digite o país", "Phone" : "digite o número de telefone", "phoneforForm" : "digite o número de telefone", "Email" : "Insira um endereço de email comercial válido" }
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