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Press Release

February 06, 2018

REAN Cloud Awarded Contract with Department of Defense

DIUx partnership ushers in landmark approach to expedite DoD cloud procurement

Herndon, Virginia. – February 7, 2018 – REAN Cloud, a global cloud systems integrator, today announced that it has finalized a five-year contract with the Department of Defense (DoD) for up to $950 million, to enable agencies within DoD to procure cloud solutions and services directly from REAN Cloud in a new streamlined process. The agreement represents a groundbreaking model automating pricing and procurement so that government customers can quickly achieve full IT operations in the cloud.

REAN Cloud worked with Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) — a DoD organization charged with accelerating commercial innovation to the U.S military — in order to facilitate prototyping and procurement of the full range of cloud adoption requirements, from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to application assessments, migrations, operations and more. The production Other Transaction (OT) contract is modeled on an award-winning OT prototype project for the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), DoD's first large-scale infrastructure assessment and cloud migration successfully completed by REAN Cloud last year. This project earned USTRANSCOM honorable mention for the 2017 DoD CIO Cyber and IT Excellence Award, as the migration to highly automated and controlled cloud environments has enabled large-scale modernization.

With the production OTA award, REAN Cloud will support USTRANSCOM and other DoD organizations to quickly migrate legacy applications to a government-approved, commercial cloud environment of their choice.

"Our experience has taught us that to get the full benefit of the cloud, you have to think differently. The speed and agility that our patent-pending technology brings to cloud migration and operations invites a similarly nimble approach for the government," said Sekhar Puli, REAN Cloud managing partner. "With Firm Fixed-Pricing (FFP) and automated procurement, we are changing old mindsets of typical vendor relationships. Our DoD customers can now achieve the same efficiencies available to the commercial sector as they seek to design, migrate, automate, manage and scale systems and databases running in the cloud."

"By leveraging REAN Cloud's platform, customers can shrink their transformation timeline from years to months," said Sri Vasireddy, REAN Cloud managing partner. "Beyond automating the migration and, more importantly, maintaining a robust and secure operational environment, we look forward to collaborating to tackle some of the most complex mission-critical needs."

About DIUx
DIUx accelerates commercial innovation for national defense. Further information about DIUx and its work with the tech communities across the U.S. and around the world. Visit

About REAN Cloud
REAN Cloud is a global Cloud Systems Integrator (CSI), Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Premier Consulting Partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN).

REAN Cloud offers managed and professional services and patent-pending solutions for hyperscale integrated infrastructure (IaaS) and platform (PaaS) service providers and is one of few MSPs capable of supporting the entire cloud services lifecycle. Backed by extensive security DNA, deep compliance expertise and broad big data and analytics experience, REAN Cloud specializes in helping enterprise customers operating in highly regulated environments – Financial Services, Healthcare/Life Sciences, Education and the Public Sector – maximize their cloud investments by automating and accelerating key processes so they can fully leverage the benefits of the cloud. The REAN Cloud team has worked alongside global organizations including the American Heart Association, USTRANSCOM, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Ditech Mortgage, Ellucian, Globus Genomics, Palo Alto Networks, Philips, PierianDx, SAP, Symantec, Teradata and Veritas. REAN Cloud is a registered trademark of REAN Cloud LLC.

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