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Data Catalog


Enable powerful insights based on trusted, actionable data through discovery, enrichment, quality, search, and rationalization with Data Catalog.

Speed Up Time to Value - Know Your Data, Discovery its Meaning, Take Command of it, Search to Your Needs and Manage All Enterprise Data.

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Find, Understand and Govern Your data


Time improvement with automated discovery and understanding relationships.


Savings with storage optimization across hybrid cloud and on-premises.


Avoid inaccurate business decisions due to poor quality data.


  • AI-Driven Discovery

    Unique data fingerprinting to automate discovery and classification of structured, semi and unstructured data.

  • Business Glossary

    Build or import taxonomy of business terms in a ​glossary and establish relationships.

  • Business Rules

    Validate data against business rules to assess conformity to business policies.

  • Data Quality

    Quickly assess your critical quality metrics ​across the business.

  • Self-service Search

    User-friendly search for a simplified experience across all data assets.

  • Data Lineage

    Infer hidden lineage to traces data back to original sources.


Data Catalog software builds data intelligence to accelerate its discovery, governance and compliance across you data fabric.

Try Data Catalog

“With Lumada DataOps Catalog we were able to fully automate and accelerate the cataloging and searchability of data to deliver game changing value to the business.”

Prakash Jagannathan

Ex Data Management Leader, Fannie Mae

Read the Customer Story Read the Customer Story


Data Catalog – IDC Spotlight Report


Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Catalogs for DataOps


Bloor Market Update Report: Data Lake Management


Experience the power of Lumada DataOps

Meet with an expert to see the full solution functionality including integration, profiling, optimization and analytics.
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