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Phone +1(678) 403-3035

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Phone +(800) 446-0744

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Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, just five minutes from San Jose International Airport.

Hitachi Vantara LLC

2535 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA

  • Phone +1 (408) 970-1000
  • Fax +1 (408) 727-8036
  • Sales +1 (678) 403-3035

Worldwide Locations

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1 Appold Street London, EC2A 2UU, United Kingdom
Phone +44(207)392-8500



Hitachi Omori 2nd Bldg 3F, Hitachi SSV, 6 chrome 27-18 MinamiOi
Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, 140--8572
Phone +81(3)5471-4745

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{ "FirstName" : "请输入名字", "LastName" : "请输入姓氏", "Title" : "请输入职位", "Company" : "请输入公司名称", "City" : "请输入城市", "State" : "请输入状态", "Country" : "请输入国家", "Phone" : "请输入电话", "phoneforForm" : "请输入电话", "Email" : "请输入有效的公司电子邮件地址" }